How to Grow Jicamas – A Beginner’s Guide

jicamas plant growing in garden

Discover the joy of growing jicamas, a delicious and easy-to-grow vegetable known botanically as Pachyrhizus erosus. In this guide, you’ll learn the essentials of cultivating jicamas successfully and how to avoid common pitfalls along the way.

Quick Reference Guide for Growing Jicamas

Aspect Details
Best Time to Plant 2 weeks after the last spring frost
Soil Type Loose and well-drained with pH levels of 5.5 to 7.0
Plant Spacing Thin seedlings to 12″ apart in rows 2-3′ apart
Sunlight Full sun
Watering Keep soil damp to touch, not soggy or bone dry
Germination Time 14-21 days
Harvest Time 120-150 days from seed to harvest
Harvest Size Roots should be 3-6″ in diameter

Best Time to Plant Jicamas

While the ideal planting time depends on your local climate, a good rule of thumb is to plant jicama seeds 2 weeks after the last spring frost. This timing helps ensure that seedlings survive the weather. To find out when jicamas are most likely to thrive in your area, consult the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map. For those living outside the US, search for ‘plant hardiness zone + [city]’.

How to Plant Jicamas the Right Way

Consider the following factors to avoid common jicama-growing mistakes and maximize your chances of a bountiful harvest:

  • Soil: Choose loose, well-drained soil with pH levels between 5.5 and 7.0.
  • Spacing: Sow seeds 1″ apart in rows 2-3′ apart, at a depth of 12-15″. Plant multiple seeds per hole to ensure germination.
  • Thinning: Once seedlings reach 3-4″ tall, thin them to 12″ apart.

How Much Sunlight is Needed to Grow Jicamas

Getting the right amount of sunlight is crucial for a successful harvest. Too much sunlight can dry out your jicamas, while insufficient sunlight can stunt growth or even kill the plant. Ideally, jicamas should receive full sun throughout the day.

How Much to Water Jicamas

Proper watering is essential for healthy jicamas. The soil should be damp to the touch, but not soggy or bone dry. Monitor your plants for signs of over- or underwatering, such as discolored or drooping leaves, and adjust your watering routine as needed.

How Long Does it Take Jicamas to Germinate and Grow?

It’s exciting to watch your jicamas grow from seeds to harvest-ready plants. Expect germination to occur within 14-21 days, with the entire growth process taking 120-150 days from seed to harvest.

When to Harvest Jicamas

Harvest your jicamas when the roots have reached 3-6″ in diameter. At this size, the plants will typically stand 4-6′ tall.

What Can Jicamas Be Used For?

  • Food Use: Jicamas are delicious raw in salads or cooked in stir-fries and soups.
  • Flavor Profile: The crispy, sweet taste is reminiscent of pears or apples.

Can Jicamas Grow in Pots and Containers?

Yes, jicamas can be successfully grown in pots and containers. Plant up to one jicama per 20″ container to help control weeds and prevent the plant from becoming unruly. Container gardening also allows you to easily move your jicamas to adjust sunlight exposure or protect them from harsh weather conditions.

Are Jicamas Safe for Bees?

Jicamas are indeed safe for bees. According to, bees pollinate human food crops that make up about 90% of the world’s nutrition. Given their crucial role in our ecosystem and food supply, it’s important to note that growing jicamas is bee-friendly.

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